Die Suche ergab 8 Treffer

von pit
Mo 16. Mai 2016, 13:45
Forum: Beobachtungen im Nest von Raddusch
Thema: Storchensaison 2016
Antworten: 842
Zugriffe: 349973


Hajo hat geschrieben:Hajo
Hajo, you're the best

:lol: :lol: :lol:
von pit
Do 12. Mai 2016, 19:42
Forum: Storchenfreunde
Thema: Sachen zum Lachen - Witze und andere lustige Dinge
Antworten: 1755
Zugriffe: 680972

Re: Sachen zum Lachen - Witze und andere lustige Dinge

Thank you Doris, which is very nice

:D :D :D
von pit
Do 21. Aug 2014, 09:55
Forum: General Discussion
Thema: 2014
Antworten: 197
Zugriffe: 131974

Doris, Su and Tina, thanks for the wonderful reports!

Best wishes for your trip, love storks! I hope that Luna and Cico come back next year. I keep my fingers crossed.
von pit
Fr 3. Jan 2014, 17:38
Forum: General Discussion
Thema: 2014
Antworten: 197
Zugriffe: 131974


I wish everyone a healthy and happy new year.
von pit
Do 15. Aug 2013, 15:44
Forum: General Discussion
Thema: 2013
Antworten: 437
Zugriffe: 206760

I thank you for reports from the nest. For the storks: I wish a long life and good flight.
von pit
Mo 27. Mai 2013, 18:57
Forum: General Discussion
Thema: 2013
Antworten: 437
Zugriffe: 206760

Thanks for the reports Su and Doris, hopefully it goes well with the little chick.
von pit
Sa 18. Mai 2013, 09:31
Forum: General Discussion
Thema: 2013
Antworten: 437
Zugriffe: 206760

Unfortunate that the second did not survive the night. :((
von pit
Sa 6. Apr 2013, 22:37
Forum: General Discussion
Thema: 2013
Antworten: 437
Zugriffe: 206760

Hello Everyone....

thank you Doris for your posts.